
时间:2022-11-03 浏览量:







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[1] Zhang Chaojie*; Bao Yanping; Tang Dechi; Ji Chenxi; Wang Leichuan; Li Haibo; Effect of size of ferrotitanium on the melting behavior and the yield in the refining of interstitial free steel by RH de-gasser, ISIJ International, 2018, 58(12): 2262-2270.

[2] Zhang Chaojie; Bao Yanping*; Wang Min; Zhang Lechen; Teeming stream protection using argon shroud during casting of steel ingot, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2017, 24(01): 47-54.

[3] Zhang Chaojie; Bao Yanping*; Wang Min; Zhang Lechen; Study of effective transient thermal resistances of different heat transfer sections during solidification of steel ingot, Steel Research International, 2017, 88(05): 1-9.

[4] Zhang Chaojie; Bao, Yanping; Zhang, Liqiang*; Tang, Dechi; Zhao, Aonan; Loss mechanism of micro-carbon ferromanganese during RH refining, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(12): 1-7.

[5] Jin Youlin; Du Songlin; Zhang Chaojie*; Influence mechanism of large inclusion on wheel fatigue crack, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2021, 118(5): 508.

[6] Zhang Chaojie; Bao Yanping*; Wang Min; Zhang Lechen; Influence of structure on thermal conductivity of insulation board used during ingot casting, Materials Transactions, 2017, 58(04): 668-672.

[7] Zhang Chaojie; Bao Yanping*; Wang Min; Influence of casting parameters on shrinkage porosity of 19 steel ingot, Metallurgia Italiana, 2016, 108(01): 37-44.

[8] Zhang Chaojie; Bao Yanping*; Wang Min; Zhang Lechen; Influence of cooling condition on solidification of large steel ingot, Metallurgia Italiana, 2017, 109(05): 33-39.

[9] Zhang Chaojie; Bao Yanping*; Wang Min; Zhang Lechen; Shrinkage porosity criterion and its application to a 5.5 ton steel ingot, Archives of Foundry Engineering, 2016, 16(2): 27-32.

[10] Zhang Chaojie; Bao Yanping*; Wang Min; Zhang Lechen; Modeling and predication of shrinkage porosity formation in steel ingot, TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, 2017, 539-550.

[11] 张超杰; 包燕平*; 王敏; 张乐辰; 模底砖结构对大钢锭充型过程卷渣的影响, 工程科学学报, 2016, 38(z1), 129-133.

[12] 包燕平*; 张超杰; 王敏; 炼钢过程中合金减量化研究现状及展望, 工程科学学报,2018, 40(9), 1017-1026.



[1] 张超杰,李海波,章军,等. 一种转炉钢水脱磷工艺. CN110273043B.

[2] 包燕平,张超杰,王敏,等. 一种浇注钢锭用保护装置及使用方法. CN106825462B.

/ 科研项目


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,大型钢锭凝固过程溶质偏析与缩孔动态交互机理及调控机制,持;

[2] 产学研项目,微合金化元素和凝固工艺对第二相粒子析出和连铸坯质量的影响研究,持;

[3] 产学研项目,某厂智能废钢配料模型,研;

[4] 产学研项目,某厂转炉金属料结构优化模型研究,研;

[5] 产学研项目,某厂炼钢生产过程智能管控模型开发研究,研;

[6] 产学研项目,某厂转炉能效补偿及物料结构研究,研。

/ 奖励荣誉


[1] 2020年中国产学研合作创新与促进奖,优秀奖。




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